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Grant Descriptions


UAB IT Research Computing maintains high performance compute (HPC) and storage resources for investigators. The Cheaha high performance compute cluster provides 8192 CPU cores and 72 GPUs interconnected via an InfiniBand network, providing over 619 TFLOP/s of aggregate theoretical peak performance. A high-performance, 12PB raw GPFS storage on DDN SFA12KX hardware is also connected to these compute nodes via the Infiniband fabric, available to all UAB investigators.



Under construction.

Acknoweldgement in Publications

To acknowledge the use of Cheaha in published work, for compute time or substantial technical assistance, please consider adding the following to the acknowledgements section of your publication:

The authors gratefully acknowledge the resources provided by the University of Alabama at Birmingham IT-Research Computing group for high performance computing (HPC) support and CPU time on the Cheaha compute cluster.

If Globus was used to transfer data to/from Cheaha, please consider adding the following to the acknowledgements section of your publication:

This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grants Nos. OAC-1541310, the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and the Alabama Innovation Fund. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation or the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

Detailed Hardware Information

For more detailed information on compute hardware please see: Detailed Hardware Information